Participants who would like to make a presentation at the congress, must submit their manuscript. The scientific committee will build up some part of the congress program on submitted manuscript as short oral presentations other than keynote speakers. The time allotted for short oral presentations will be 10-15 minutes. The submitted manuscript will be evaluated by the scientific committee for short oral and poster presentations.
Manuscripts deemed as unsuitable for the purposes of the congress by the scientific committee, will not be returned. However, their authors will be notified of the result.
The presenting author, assumes full responsibility of the content and must ensure that all authors are aware of the contents before submission.
Address and Deadline for Submission of Fulltext
Abstrackt submission deadline is extended 1 more week to 7 February, 2025. Submissions received after
this date and delays in the mail will not be taken into consideration. Manuscripts need to
be mailed directly to Applications made to other addresses
will not be taken into consideration.
Evaluation of manuscripts will be completed and announced before 28 February, 2025
Guidelines for Manuscript Submissions
Paper Submission Rules
The following guidelines should be adhered in writing the manuscript:
1. The file name must be created by stating surname of the author plus an abbreviated version of the manuscript’s title.
2. Research based papers should include, a title, abstract, introduction, materials and method, results and discussion, conclusion and references.
3. Review papers should consist of a summary, introduction, narrative, conclusion and references.
4. Manuscripts should be typed on Microsoft Word ( 7.0 or higher) using Times New Roman at single line spacing with font size 12 (bold) for headings and 10 for authors’ names and body text. Margins should be 4cm left, 2 cm right, 2,5 cm top and 2 cm bottom. Manuscripts should not exceed 5 pages. Keynote speakers are allowed to write up to 10 pages.
5. The initial letters of headings should be in capitals. The headings should be followed by one blank line, after authors’ name should be written without their titles. Presenter name must be underlined and addresses of the authors given as footnote.
6. The guidelines in the Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences should be followed in citing references.
7. Tables should be prepared in word using the automatic table menu.
8. Authors whose paper’s selected as poster should set up their posters in the designated area before the opening ceremony and remove it after closing ceremony. It is own responsibility of the presenter to make sure that the poster is placed and removed after on time.Posters should be prepared in dimensions of 70×100 cm in size (vertical) and legible at a viewing distance of 1- 1,5 m. Besides that, digital forms of the posters must be mailed to until 3 March, 2024